This year I decided to tackle 12 monthly resolutions instead of the usual one or two annual new years resolutions, which are statistically abandoned by January 15th (Truly. Statistics don't lie.) Another bonus of doing resolutions in this manner is that if I lost my resolve after just one month on the wagon I would still be a success. Anyway, January's resolution was NO SODA. Period. At all. This would be the most difficult resolution for me to stick to, so I decided to take on this one first as I would have the new years momentum behind me. I am proud to announce that as of the writing of this blog I have not had ANY soda ALL YEAR. Yay me. I'm not making any promises that I'll stay off the sauce for the whole of 2010, but I'm enjoying the side effects of abandoning my vice of choice as I've lost about 5 pounds and have saved probably about $100. Score!
We're already a few days into February, and I'm still sticking to my crazyily lofty resolution for this month. Hint - you won't be seeing any photos of me like the following from Feb 2010.
You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.