The fact that I have a panic attack when someone else announces a pregnancy is a pretty clear indicator that I'm not planning to add another kid to the mix any time soon. I'm not ruling it out in the future, but no future Nitsy kid is imminent.
Judah and Asher are busy being awesome, cute, and holy terrors. Other twin moms I know are starting to potty train, but I'm no overachiever - I'm waiting another year. We are thinking about making the move to toddler beds as Asher is pretty close to climbing out of his crib, but we're just in the contemplating stages right now.
Early Intervention is totally awesome, but a drain on me emotionally. And our schedule. Did I mention that in the month of March we had 12 EI appointments? TWELVE. Two group classes (Wiggly Worm and Hanen) are ending this week. Additionally we're adjusting our treatment plan soon, and we'll likely drop occupational therapy. My kids are totally blossoming in their speech and other development, all because of EI treatment. But I'm glad they have made so much progress that we can have fewer appointments.
Our kids have started daycare as a sanity-saving measure, and they are thriving there. They love being around a few other kids, and doing fun crafts and other activities. There are two cats and a dog at the home daycare they go to, and Judah LOVES the animals, especially the cat. I would consider getting him an animal if we ever change childcare situations and he can't be around animals regularly.
Nick is loving his teaching gig up at SLCC. We're hoping that he can pick up additional adjunct jobs at local schools, or make the move to full time at SLCC. Of course, it's still a constant love fest between me and AQ. I'm visiting the office in Irvine in June.
13 hours ago